A Photo Gallery of 4th UHS Annual Conference
Held in London, United Kingdom, October 31 - November 2, 2003
Compiled by Peter Ekeh. Photographs taken by Helen Ekeh, Perkins Foss, and Patrick Okene.
Deacon Gamaniel Onosode
A prominent businessman, Gamaliel Onosode was Special Guest of Honour of the Conference.
He addressed the Opening and Closing Sessions. He also chaired the Keynote Address. At the Closing Ceremony, he delivered a memorable speech, uplifting Urhobo culture.



Photo Gallery Home Page

Opening Ceremony

Academic Sessions

Cultural Evening

Closing Ceremony

Women at the Conference

Igbe Dance

Senator David Dafinone

Governor James Ibori

Deacon Gamaliel Onosode


Chief Godwin Ogbetuo

Professor Bruce Onobrakpeya

Professor Frank Ukoli

Dr. Emmanuel Urhobo

Chief Daniel Obiomah

Andrew Edevbie

Chief Simpson Obruche


Chief Perkins Foss


Professor Ajovi Scott-Emuakpor


Professor Isaac Mowoe


Very Rev. Prof. Sam Erivwo


Dr. Helen Ekeh


Rose Aziza


Ejiro Ughwujabo


Dr. Aruegodore Oyiborhoro


Professor Michael Nabofa


 Chief J. M. Barovbe


Ms Janet Oromafuru Eruvbetere


Dr. Francis Omohwo


Mr. Love Ojakovo


Chief Albert Metitiri


Alice Ukoko


Peter Ekeh


Jude Onakpoma


Dr. Ona Pela

Mrs. Felicia Emesiru-Akusu


Deacon Gamaliel Onosode in Urhobo attire at the Opening Ceremony

He is surrounded by participants at the Conference.

Gamaliel Onosode addresses the Opening Ceremony.

Gamaliel Onosode introduces the Keynote Speaker Sam Erivwo

Gamaliel Onosode speaking on the theme of the Keynote Address

Gamaliel Onosode at a session of the Conference


In a patriotic fervour, Onosode rouses up the Closing Ceremony with praise of Urhobo virtues

Colleagues watch Onosode as he turned poetic in an address that was wholly delivered in Urhobo 


Some passion in the expression of patriotism.