If you do not write your people's history, others will. If they do, you may not recognize it. If you do, you may not like it. - - Peter Ekeh  (1999)        



My belief is that every being born into the world has a duty to perform to his people: either to the village . . . or  .. . town or country. . . . Frankly speaking, any one of you who should fail to play his or her part for the upliftment of our dear tribe, it [would be] better that she or he had not been born.-- Mukoro Mowoe


Inaugural Rationale

UHS Bye-Laws

Editorial &  Management  Committee

Editorial Policy

Report of 4th Annual Conference

Minutes of Third Annual Conference



Urhobo Organizations


Infography of Urhobo

Urhobo College, Effurun

     Urhobo Community Home Page

       Urhobo Waado Web Site

    Urhobo Kinsfolk Web Site

Membership of Urhobo Historical Society is open to all Urhobos and friends of Urhobo culture who subscribe to the mission of advancing the understanding, study and research of Urhobo history and culture. In order to become active members of Urhobo Historical Society, such individuals are encouraged to subscribe to the membership of the Society and to participate fully in its affairs. They are also encouraged to support various programs that the Society has embarked upon in order to realize its mission of serving Urhobo history and culture.

Subscription to Membership

Membership is currently maintained on an annual basis through the payment of an annual membership fee. There are two categories of membership, depending on the level of fees that a member pays towards his or her annual subscription.

Regular Membership. This level of membership requires a fee of $US50.00 (or its equivalent in other currencies).  Membership runs to December 31 of the year of first registration. Thereafter, renewal shall be effective from January 1 of subsequent years of membership. A roster of members will be published on a yearly basis in the web sites of Urhobo Historical Society.

Membership entitles individuals to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, receive special mail, and otherwise participate in determining the future direction of Urhobo Historical Society.

To subscribe as a regular member of Urhobo Historical Society, send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com.


Charter Membership. For those who can afford its level of subscription, UHS encourages potential members to consider registering as Charter members. Charter membership requires a fee of $US200.00 or higher. Membership runs to December 31 of the year of first registration. Thereafter, renewal shall be effective from January 1 of subsequent years of membership. A roster of members will be published on a yearly basis in the Web sites of Urhobo Historical Society. Those who register initially as Charter members may switch their yearly subscription to regular membership, if they so desire.

Membership entitles individuals to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, receive special mail, and otherwise participate in determining the future direction of Urhobo Historical Society.

To subscribe as a Charter member of Urhobo Historical Society, send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com.


Gift Membership. Membership subscription may also be made as a gift to interested individuals. The beneficiaries may be family members (parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children), and other relatives, or friends of the persons paying on their behalf.

To pay for gift charter membership for other persons to become members of Urhobo Historical Society, send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com..

To pay for gift regular membership for other persons to become members of Urhobo Historical Society, send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com..


Contribution to Special Programs

Urhobo Historical Society has embarked on a number of programs in pursuit of its mission of serving Urhobo history and culture. Many of these programs need the financial support of members of Urhobo Historical Society and of any benefactors who like what we do and wish to help us to realize our goals. The following programs are highlighted for your attention and contribution.

Conference Fund. Urhobo Historical Society held its first two Annual Conferences, in November 2000 and November 2001, in North America. It held the following two in London, United Kingdom, in November 2002 and November 2004. All four Annual Conferences, particularly the 2003 conference, attracted considerable attention and very good attendance. A decision has now been taken to hold the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society in Urhoboland, in 2004.

The cost of managing the Fifth Annual Conference will be substantial. The scope of the Conference will exceed anything we have previously attempted. Attendance is expected to be large and varied. It will involve international arrangements that will include activities members of UHS in Europe, North America, and Nigeria. Participation will include all segments of Urhobo society. We have a special fund to which members and our benefactors may contribute.

If you are able and willing  to make a contribution towards UHS Conference Fund, please send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com. For US residents, this contribution may be tax deductible, because Urhobo Historical Society is a Section 501(1)(c) not-for-profit organization.


UHS Web Sites. Urhobo Historical Society relies heavily on the medium of the world wide web for pursuing its mission of serving Urhobo history and culture. It runs three Web sites, each with a different charter. They cost much to maintain. In addition, it is our desire to upgrade them so that they may serve our purposes of recording Urhobo history and culture and of establishing viable communications among Urhobos at home and in the Urhobo Diaspora in Europe, North America, and elsewhere.

If you are able, and willing, to  make a donation towards the development of UHS Web sites, please send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com..


Documentation Fund. One of the most important achievements of Urhobo Historical Society is its documentation of various aspects of Urhobo history and culture. These include British colonial treaties which have established beyond any shadow of doubt the valid claims of ownership of Warri by the indigenous people of Warri. But our documentation also extends to such rare material as the Certificate of Incorporation of Urhobo Progress Union. We have reproduced several books and articles, by Chief Adgbeji Salubi, Chief Daniel Obiomah, Professor Rev. Sam Erivwo, Professor Michael Nabofa, etc., on various aspects of Urhobo history and culture.

We currently have a large number of documents that we wish to reproduce in our Web site http://www.waado.org. These include books whose authors have authorized us to republish their works in the world wide web. They also include such important documents as the Nnameka Agu Commission on Warri. Publishing these volumes on the world wide web is an expensive undertaking, and the Society needs and would appreciate the assistance of all who can support it in this effort.

If you are able and willing to  make a donation towards UHS Documentation Fund, please send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com..


General Donation. Members and benefactors of Urhobo Historical Society may wish to make general donations towards running the affairs of the Society. If you are able and willing to  make a general donation for running the affairs of Urhobo Historical Society, please send an e-mail message to UHS Secretary at  kevtrics@juno.com..


Chief Mukoro Mowoe
 Chief Mukoro Mowoe (1890-1948)



M. G. Ejaife

           M. G. Ejaife,       First Urhobo Graduate





 Ovie re Agbon
 Ovie of Agbon





orodje r' Okpe

Orodje of Okpe





Ovie re Ughelli

Ovie of Ughelli





Peter Ekeh

        Peter Ekeh          UHS Chair




Andrew Edevbie

Onoawarie Edevbie   UHS Secretary