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Despite his blood thirsty actions in the Niger Delta, where his regime has stationed wild troops that rape and rob the people daily in order to silence them in the struggle for self determination, Obasanjo has embarked on real vainglorious pursuit. He has now printed his photographs on several denominations of the country's postage stamps. He is on his way to having his pictures slapped about on currency notes. In this respect Obasanjo reminds one of the type of African leader Kofi Annan, the U.N. Secretary-General described in his interview by William Showcross published in the Times of London on the 19th of April, 2000. He said "In many African countries the wrong kind have made it to leadership. They see power for the sake of power and for their own aggrandisement rather than having a real understanding of the need to improve their countries" or its people. Everyone knows that General Obasanjo does not know Nigeria's problems. His earlier experience was to rule the country as a military dictator appointed by the Northern military in 1976. They also made him to give up military rule in 1979. It was they who brought him back to power after a short spell in Abacha's death cell. He pursues their policy, particularly in the Niger Delta where Abacha had inflicted terror.
Besides sending troops to finish the people in the Niger Delta, in order to silence them in the struggle for self determination, Obasanjo has really done nothing at all. As the London based Guardian newspaper of 28/11/2000 put it "president Obasanjo fails to save fellow Christians from the rigour of Sharia". But he does nothing to stop Northern Islamic fundamentalists burning down churches and kill and drive Southerners away.
But he made loads of promises such as attracting business to the country. But since he came to power not one really investing business has made enquiries about coming to Nigeria, much more bringing in good money for investment. He did not understand the problems of the country to the extent that he really does not know why no meaningful investor will consider a country like Nigeria held together by military force and where there have been never ending bloody conflicts of ethnic aspirations aggravated by warring religions of Christianity and Islam for 40 years. Only a few service industries and several shady businesses will find a country like Nigeria attractive for business.
As much as we can, we have always warned the good people
of Nigeria that no sensible and honest business will invest in Nigeria.
The country is a good hunting ground for shady and corrupt money
pursuit. Everyone has discovered that it is the fasted regressing
country in the world. All Obasanjo has done since coming to
power is to set up tribunals such as every military coup leaders
did. Nothing more. Some of the tribunals reveal what everyone
knows as rumour. But nothing will come out of any of the tribunals,
besides materials for gossip. They are all waste of time and
money; but they keep
some people feel false sense of betterment. With
respect to business, only service business will come to Nigeria to
work the railways, the electricity, the roads, the water supply and
such like. Not even a sensible Nigerian from abroad will think
of investing money in Nigeria. No economy based on corruption
can ever develop.
Obasanjo's regime pretends that it is fighting corruption, but it makes itself a laughing stock; but it does nothing when people daringly show him that many people around him are corrupt. The regime knows that several people who were not businessmen but military officers, own several houses in Nigeria, not to mention abroad which many cannot see. Many have farms and plantations whose values are much well above the income of any working person in Nigeria. It knows all these; but it cannot act. Yet it blows the trumpet of fighting corruption. Obasanjo's regime knows more corrupt people in Nigeria than the average Nigerian. But the world have begun to understand the pretences of the regime.
In December, 2000 a number of journalist cornered the big man Obasanjo, head of the satanic regime in his big farmland worth millions of dollars. It functioned for only a short period after he left office in 1979. Now he thinks it has become the Camp David of Abuja. It was there that a BBC correspondent asked Obasanjo a question on his toy killing field in the Niger Delta. According to report "Obasanjo was particularly sensitive to a question on the Niger Delta. When the BBC correspondent, Barnaby Phillips insisted on more comprehensive answer reminding him of the unsavoury consequences of Odi in the Niger Delta expedition (where Obasanjo sent his war planes even on the millennium night and bombed several towns to the ground killing hundreds at a blow) Obasanjo flared up and, standing up he shouted telling the journalist that he had no right to come here in Nigeria and telling him what to do, when in fact the Prime Minister of Britain has committed worse atrocities in Northern Ireland that was never reported". It was a big man losing his cool shamefully.
But the outburst shows how naive Obasanjo is. He
does not know that since coming to power the British Prime Minister,
Mr. Tony Blair, as gentle as a dove, has been trying to introduce
peace in Northern Ireland where Great Britain has confirmed through
Mr. John Major, a former British Prime Minister, that she has no
financial or other interest whatsoever. More than that, Great
Britain is in the centre of the world; nothing that the Prime Minister
does can be covered up. Besides, no British Prime Minister can
ever think of bombing Northern Ireland. Blood thirsty Obasanjo thinks
that there are many like him in the world. But, having lost his false
pretences that he was a democrat, he is now beating about the bush
and, coming out of his true colour as a most blood thirsty tyrant
killer. The blood of those his regime killed in 1976 to 1978
during his rule as a military dictator will ever hunt him to his
destruction. When Abacha incarcerated him in a solitary death
cell, the good people of the world struggled successfully and saved
him. Less than one year out of the death cell, he sends his wild
troops to the Niger Delta and killed several hundreds
of people at a blow in order to silence them while the regime robs
them. Can Jehova, God of Abraham forgive such inhuman and bloody
We pray that Obasanjo will be alive, but weep, when our people will celebrate the independence of the Niger Delta by the grace of God Almighty. Our people are proposing to build a filthy cemetery for murderers; and they will call it "Obasanjo Memorial Cemetery". Toilet waste, filth and rubbish will be deposited in part of it, and the rest part will be burial ground for criminals convicted of murder throughout the Niger Delta. We will do that to remind the young generations of the Niger Delta people that when we were forced to be part of the monster called Nigeria, a ruler from Abuja killed several hundreds of our people by bomb even as other people all over the world were celebrating the second millennium of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. A period we spent in sorrow.
Don Ekong
For Niger Delta Republic Movement.