Peter Ekeh,
Your turn-around in your interpretation of Urhobo / Itsekiri relations makes for very interesting reading. May I suggest to you that you analyse the Itsekiri / Urhobo conflict in Warri in the same light as you have done the destruction of Ajagbodudu by their Urhobo Ogharefe neighbours.
For your information, to the Itsekiri Leadership, conflicts with the Urhobos have always been of a localised nature. Like you rightly said, there is hardly any Urhobo man without an Itsekiri relation and vice - versa. We therefore should have no reason to kill ourselves. Unfortunately, in the case of Warri, your kit and kin Okumagba, has over the years fraudulently changed his personal quest into a full-blown Urhobo agenda for ownership of Warri.
Are you not the same Peter Ekeh who claimed a few months ago that the Title of Olu of Warri be changed to Olu of Itsekiri? Are you not the same man who claimed that Urhobos partly own Warri, just because the Olodi / Oki / Okumagba families won POSSESSORY rights to 281 acres of land in Warri? Are you not the man who advocated for a separate local government for the Urhobos in Warri? Yet you do agree that the Itsekiris in Sapele own about 50% of property there, speak their distinct Itsekiri language , and most importantly regard the Orodje, as Orodje of Okpe (not Orodje of Urhobo). When the Urhobos learn to extend this same courtesy to the Itsekiris in Warri, and Warri Kingdom you will find that we have no areas of conflict.
I know as a matter of fact that a majority of Urhobo Elders recognize Okumagba's Quest in Warri, as purely a personal and not an Urhobo agenda. If I am to be convinced that your turn-around is genuine, I would advise that you advocate the same to your Urhobo brothers and along this line re-establish your relationship with the Itsekiris.
Eworitsemogha Mabiaku