PROFESSOR PIUS O. SADA (J.P.). B Sc (UNN) MA; Ph.D (Indiana)
TELEPHONE: 234-054-66027
REF: BC/A.2 18 May 1998
The course introduces the students to the people their language, their culture, their origins, migration, oral history, and their relationships with other peoples in Nigeria and Africa.URH 102: Introduction to Forms and Functions of Urhobo Language .3C
This course introduces the students to the basic use of words and word forms in the language, including the significance or role of certain words/forms in communication.
URH 103: Introduction to the History and Culture of Urhobo
This course is concerned mainly with the basic information about the history of Urhobo as factor influencing the people's culture; Language food, dress, marks etc.
LIN 101: Introduction to Linguistics I
This course is a description of the subject of linguistics especially of the main levels of linguistic description. These levels are phonetics, phonology, morphology, Syntax and semantics.
LIN 102: Introduction to Phonetics
This course is designed to sharpen the students ability to recognize and produce a wide variety of speech sounds. Emphasis is both on ear training so that the student can identity various speech sounds, and on developing a flexibility of the speech apparatus necessary for producing those sounds. The course also includes a detailed study of the vocal organs, interpretation of articulatory diagrams, description of the various air-stream mechanisms used in sound productions, and identification of the sound types produced.URH 111: Basic Oral Communication in Urhobo ..3C
This course is designed to give basic competence in the skills involved in speaking and writing standard.
URH 112: Varieties of Urhobo Language
The course is concerned with the study of the different dialects of the language, the way in which they differ from the standard and from one another and the degrees of mutual intelligibility among them and the standard. It is also concerned with the different registers in use, i.e.: formal and informal registers, religious registers, poetic registers etc.
URH 113: Literacy Numerical skills in Urhobo
The course is intended to sharpen students ability on reading and writing of various materials in Urhobo especially narrative, descriptive, argumentative as well as the counting system of the language, etc.
LIN 111: Introduction to linguistics II
This course focuses attention on linguistics as modern approach to the study of language with emphasis on descriptivism and special interest on the spoken medium of language and its varieties.
LIN 112: Phonetic analysis and transcription
This course is designed to give practical experience in recognition of features and their transcription in written symbols. Sound symbol association of speech sounds is introduction, based on the IPA phonetic chart.
URH 201: The History of the Urhobo People
In this course deals with the history of the development of Urhobo language, including the use of the language.
URH 202: Urhobo Orthography
In this course the orthography and sound systems of Urhobo in introduced to the students.
URH 203: Introduction to Urhobo oral literature
This course stresses the aesthetic value of verb arts in Urhobo culture. Different genres are identified and classified. performance technique identified and classified. Performance technique condition, themes etc. are analysed in some details.
URH 204: Urhobo Phonetics
The course deals with a detailed study of the range of sounds that make up the Urhobo speech system. It includes training in the phonetic description and representation of these various sounds on a phonetic chart and the ability to recognize and distinguish air-stream and articutory processes in sound production in Urhobo.
LIN 201: Introduction to Phonology I
This course provides the students with the basic foundations for phonological analysis and description. The relationship between phonetics and phonology is explained; the importance of experimental methods for phonological description is emphasized. Also covered are the basic methods, complementary distribution; identification of phonemas and tonemes through the use of minimal pairs of sound units, syllable structure etc. with a view to highlighting the phonological patterns of selected natural languages (especially African languages).
LIN 202:
This is an introduction to descriptive linguistics at word level. It covers
both the conceptical aspects of the morpheme theory and the description details of the morpho-phonemic and morphosyntalm dimensions of word formation, including inflection derivation and related lexical processes.
URH 211: Introduction to Written Urhobo Literature
This provides a study of the various written forms in Urhobo: novels, romances short stories etc. Drama and poetry are carefully examined.
URH 212: Forms of Urhobo Prose
A study of various Urhobo prose forms, romances, short stories, essays and translations. Their basic characteristics and the different literacy styles and themes that inform them.
19. URH 213: Urhobo Phonology
A detailed and analytical examination of the phonological processes in Urhobo: assimilation nasalization, epenthesis, vowel harmony, bowel elision, tonal processes, and syllable structure.
URH 214: Introduction to Urhobo Morphology
As in URH 202 but with practical examples drawn from Urhobo language for illustrations.
LIN 211: Introduction to Phonological Analysis
This course introduces the students to the study in detail of the segmental and non-segmental feature of the language and their organization. This will be supplemented with appropriate practical exercises with a view to improving the students perceptions and production of the sounds. Students also are to be introduced to various approaches to the description of the phonology of the language (phonemic, prosodic and generative).
URH 301: Urhobo Dialects
A fairly detailed consideration of the phonological morphological, lexical and characteristics of the major regional and social varieties of the language.
URH 302: Forms of Urhobo Poetry
A detailed study of the poetic forms of the language, their structure and their functions; and a critical appreciation of them.
URH 303: Introduction to Urhobo Drama
This course covers the concept of drama in the language; a survey of early attempts at play writing and play acting the influence of tradition and folk and an appraisal of the written play.
URH 304: Literacy Criticism
A study of the classical, Western and Marxist theories of literature as they relate to prose, poetry and drama, and their application to the literature as they relate to prose, poetry and drama, and their application to the literature of language.
URH 305: Phonological processes in Urhobo
This course examines the segmental and non segmental features of the language with a view to determining the phoneme and allophones of the Urhobo language.
URH 306: Intermediate use of Urhobo
Effective use of the current orthography for the purposes of reading comprehension and essay writing; Letter-writing, formal and informal letters, invitations and other modern uses of Urhobo for correspondence.
LIN 301: Introduction to Syntax I
This course introduces students to the word classes or parts of speech of the language, classes or parts of speech of the language, the sentence and its parts or constituents, the grammatical functions of the sentence parts; the different sentences types.
URH 311: Urhobo Poetry:
A detailed study of the poetic forms of the language, their structure and their function, and a critical appreciation of them.
URH 312: Introduction to Urhobo Syntas
As in URH 204 but the word classes or parts of speech of the Urhobo language and sentences etc. are to be used as illustrations.
URH 313: Urhobo Semantics:
The course introduces the students to the linguistic study of semantics, situating it within the general framework of the linguistic structure of language.
URH 314: Naming among Urhobo People:
In Nigeria, naming is not just an arbitrary affair. It is at once a mental, an emotional, a linguistic and a cultural affair. This course then, is focussed on the linguistic and cultural importance of personal names in the language.
URH 315: Research Methodology:
This course exposes the student to the nature and design of linguistic research. Students are introduces to methods of research and project design and would be expected to design a research project. Method of data collection appropriate to the different fields of linguistic inquiry will be introduced and relevant linguistic data will serve as example for critical evaluation. Alternative methods a presentation of results will be discussed. The design mini research project submitted by each student should be graded over 50 percent of the total marks for the course.
URH 316: Aspects of Urhobo Culture
Aspects of the culture of the people (in the widest sense of the word culture) thought, belief and religious systems, material and social aspects of the people culture.
CMP 311: Introduction to Computer Literacy
This is an introductory course in computer appreciation. It introduces students to basic operation of the computer, its functions and how to utilize its resources.
LIN 311: Semantics
This course is intended to cover a wide range of semantic description at word sentence and discourse levels. Topics will include types of meanings, idiomatic expressions and proverbs, semantic representative illocution and the relationship of semantics and syntax.
URH 400: Project:
Students undertake original research under the direct supervision of a lecturer. A student will be expected to choose a research of interest within which a specific topic will be decided upon with the assistance of his/her supervisor. The finished project must be presented in a departmentally approved format.
URH 401: Urhobo Prose Fiction
Further detailed and analytical study of prose fiction in Urhobo. Advanced and greater sophisticated appreciation of themes styles, techniques. Development of Urhobo prose fiction.
URH 402: Urhobo Drama
This course identifies and characterises various dramatic forms in Urhobo. Selected texts in Urhobo drama are studied to appreciate the scope and content of Urhobo drama. The study will cover such details as the plot language use, characters, and social setting of plays.
URH 403: Theory and practice of translation:
Techniques of translation of words, sentences, paragraphs and longer passages, problems of literal vs idiomatic translation of technical and artistic texts.
URH 404: Urhobo World view
A detailed and analytical study of the thought, belief and religious systems of the people.
URH 405: Urhobo Oratory
The course introduces students to the oratory skills of the Urhobo as a speech art and examines its forms, content, function etc.
LIN 401: Post lexical Semantics
This course studies meaning beyond the level of simple words. It studies the meaning of various utterances such as idioms and proverbs. It intends to study many areas of language usage i.e. registers for meaning.
URH 411: Creative Writing
The course introduces students to various elements of fiction in prose, drama and poetry writing with a view to opening their minds and encouraging them to discover in themselves their talents. This course is therefore, divided into two main parts: the theoretical examines points like elements of creativity, subject matter, audience, constrain on ----- and language, plot development, type of stories and the conventions of different gent. The practical allows students to try their hands on creative writing: Short ---- novels, drama and poetry.
URH 412: Contrastive analysis of Urhobo language
A systematic examination of the structure of the language as contrasted with those of English and a Nigerian Language, with emphasis on those areas requiring special attention in teaching the language to speakers of English and the selected Nigerian language.
URH 413: Topics in Urhobo Folklore and folklife
Introduction to the discipline of folklore (in traditional beliefs, values and modes of expression shared by groups with a community of interest followed by detailed study of selected topics in verbal folklore (folk literature, superstitious popular beliefs etc.) non-verbal folklore (folk music, folk dance, etc.) and patterns of life or folklife informed by folk belief such as traditional customs, calendar festivals, folk observance architecture, folk cockery etc.
URH 414: Urhobo Stylistics.
A detailed study of the stylistic features of prose and poetry, both oral and written in the language, applying the principles studied in URH 203/
URH 415: Advanced use of Urhobo
This involves Reading Comprehension, letter writing, note taking, summary writing etc. with emphasis on the use of current orthography spellings of Urhobo words. Punctuation of sentences, organization of ideas for effective language use.
LIN 411: Lexicography
This course provides a general introduction to words and dictionary making, writing of unwritten languages, phonemic transcript.